Future of Concrete Placement

The concrete placement industry has come a long way since its inception, with new technologies and materials emerging to enhance the durability, sustainability, and aesthetics of concrete structures. As we look to the future of concrete placement, it’s clear that the industry will continue to evolve and innovate in response to changing needs and trends.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the emerging technologies and trends in concrete placement, as well as the challenges that lie ahead. We’ll also discuss the role that the New Zealand Master Concrete Placers Association (NZMCPA) will play in helping its members adapt to these changes and stay ahead of the curve.

Emerging Technologies in Concrete Placement

In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in new technologies that have the potential to revolutionize the concrete placement industry. Some of the most promising technologies include:

  1. Self-Healing Concrete: Self-healing concrete is a new material that has the ability to repair itself when cracks or damage occur. The material contains tiny capsules of healing agents, such as bacteria or polymers, which are released when the concrete is damaged, filling in the cracks and restoring its strength.
  2. 3D Printing: 3D printing is a new technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way that concrete structures are built. With 3D printing, it is possible to create complex shapes and designs with a high level of precision, making it an ideal method for creating unique and intricate structures.
  3. Smart Concrete: Smart concrete is a new material that contains embedded sensors and other electronic components, which allow it to detect changes in temperature, humidity, and other factors. This technology has the potential to enhance the durability and safety of concrete structures by providing early warning of potential problems.

Trends in Concrete Placement

In addition to emerging technologies, there are also several trends that are shaping the future of the concrete placement industry. These trends include:

  1. Sustainability: As concerns over the environmental impact of construction continue to grow, there is increasing pressure on the industry to adopt more sustainable practices. This includes using materials that are eco-friendly and minimizing waste.
  2. Aesthetics: Concrete is no longer seen as a purely functional material, but also as a medium for artistic expression. This trend has led to the development of new techniques for coloring, stamping, and texturing concrete surfaces, allowing for a wider range of design options.
  3. Automation: Automation is becoming increasingly important in the concrete placement industry, as it allows for greater efficiency, precision, and safety. This includes the use of robotics and other automated systems for mixing, placing, and finishing concrete.

Challenges in Concrete Placement

While there are many exciting developments in the concrete placement industry, there are also several challenges that must be addressed. These challenges include:

  1. Skilled Labor Shortages: The shortage of skilled labor in the construction industry is a major challenge for the concrete placement industry. This shortage makes it difficult for companies to find qualified workers to fill critical roles, such as concrete placers and finishers.
  2. Cost: Concrete placement can be expensive, especially for large-scale projects. As such, there is a need to find ways to reduce costs while maintaining high levels of quality and safety.
  3. Environmental Impact: The environmental impact of concrete placement is a growing concern, with the industry being one of the largest contributors to carbon emissions. There is a need to find ways to reduce the carbon footprint of concrete placement, such as by using eco-friendly materials and minimizing waste.

The Role of the NZMCPA

The NZMCPA plays a critical role in helping its members adapt to the emerging technologies, trends, and challenges in the concrete placement industry. The association provides a range of services to its members, including:

Training Programs Offered by the NZMCPA

The NZMCPA offers a range of training programs that cover various aspects of concrete placement and finishing. These programs are designed to help members improve their skills and knowledge, and to provide them with the necessary qualifications to work on a range of projects. Some of the training programs offered by the NZMCPA include:

  1. Concrete Placing and Finishing: This program covers the basics of concrete placement and finishing, including mixing, placing, and finishing techniques. It also covers safety practices, tools and equipment, and troubleshooting common problems.
  2. Advanced Concrete Finishing: This program is designed for members who have completed the Concrete Placing and Finishing program and want to take their skills to the next level. It covers advanced techniques such as decorative finishes, stamped concrete, and exposed aggregate.
  3. Shotcrete: This program covers the use of shotcrete, a method of concrete placement that involves spraying concrete onto a surface using compressed air. It covers the equipment and materials used in shotcrete, as well as the techniques for achieving a high-quality finish.
  4. Concrete Pumping: This program covers the use of concrete pumps, which are machines that are used to transport concrete from the mixing truck to the placement site. It covers the different types of pumps, the equipment and materials used in pumping, and the techniques for achieving a smooth and consistent flow of concrete.
  5. Concrete Testing: This program covers the various tests that are used to evaluate the quality of concrete, including compression tests, slump tests, and air content tests. It also covers the equipment and procedures used in testing, as well as the interpretation of test results.

Certification Programs Offered by the NZMCPA

In addition to its training programs, the NZMCPA also offers certification programs that help members demonstrate their expertise and professionalism. These certification programs include:

  1. Concrete Placer Certification: This certification is awarded to members who have completed the Concrete Placing and Finishing program and passed a written exam. It demonstrates that the member has the knowledge and skills necessary to work as a concrete placer.
  2. Advanced Concrete Finisher Certification: This certification is awarded to members who have completed the Advanced Concrete Finishing program and passed a practical exam. It demonstrates that the member has the skills necessary to work on advanced concrete finishing projects.
  3. Shotcrete Certification: This certification is awarded to members who have completed the Shotcrete program and passed a practical exam. It demonstrates that the member has the skills necessary to work with shotcrete.
  4. Concrete Pumping Certification: This certification is awarded to members who have completed the Concrete Pumping program and passed a practical exam. It demonstrates that the member has the skills necessary to work with concrete pumps.
  5. Concrete Testing Certification: This certification is awarded to members who have completed the Concrete Testing program and passed a written exam. It demonstrates that the member has the knowledge necessary to perform concrete testing.

Benefits of Training and Certification with the NZMCPA

There are many benefits to obtaining training and certification through the NZMCPA. These include:

  1. Improved skills and knowledge: The training programs offered by the NZMCPA are designed to help members improve their skills and knowledge, which can lead to better job performance and career advancement.
  2. Professional recognition: Certification from the NZMCPA demonstrates that a member has met the organization’s high standards for professionalism and expertise. This can be valuable in attracting new clients and job


In conclusion, the New Zealand Master Concrete Placers Association is a valuable resource for concrete placers and finishing companies in New Zealand. The association offers a wide range of benefits, including training and certification programs, safety resources, and access to industry knowledge and expertise. By becoming a member of the NZMCPA, concrete placers can improve their skills and knowledge, stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, and network with other professionals in the field.

Through its commitment to safety, quality, and sustainability, the NZMCPA is helping to raise standards in the concrete placement industry and promote a more positive image of the profession. Whether you are a seasoned concrete placer or just starting out in the field, the NZMCPA is a valuable resource that can help you achieve your goals and build a successful career.

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